Bill Pascrell Jr. tweeted the following:
"We also need more first responders and other professionals to address growing mental health and substance abuse challenges.Last year @POTUS signed my TBI/PTSD law enforcement bill into law to help train first responders."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Bill Pascrell Jr.:
"Lets also restore the full Child Tax Credit, which gave tens of millions of parents some breathing room and cut child poverty in half.Reminder: republicans killed the child tax credit extension. #sotu2023"Read on Twitter
"Reminder: hearing aids are now available over-the-counter for the first time - at up 90% cheaper prices thanks to @POTUS and @Democrats #SOTU #BidenBoom"Read on Twitter
"Yes: republicans are threatening to destroy the entire economy unless we destroy Social Security and Medicare. Heres whatll happen is they succeed"Read on Twitter