Bill Pascrell Jr. tweeted the following:
"President #DarkBrandons #StateOfTheUnion in one tweet:America: 1Malarkey: 0"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Bill Pascrell Jr.:
"Would we stand for the right of people to live free from tyranny? Would we stand for the defense of democracy. One year later, we know the answer. Yes, we would. And yes, we did.America stands strong with Ukraine. Pres Biden has led the democratic world. #sotu "Read on Twitter
"That includes things that the majority of responsible gun owners support, like enhanced background checksReminder House Democrats passed background checks and republicans blocked them for 663 days and killed them. #SOTU"Read on Twitter
"We also need more first responders and other professionals to address growing mental health and substance abuse challenges.Last year @POTUS signed my TBI/PTSD law enforcement bill into law to help train first responders."Read on Twitter